"What I am is God's gift to u, what I become is my gift to God"

Blood In Blood Out, Art Blajos Testimony.

Almost everybody knows the movie 'Blood in Blood out'. About Latino's in ghetto. If u don't know it u should go see it.

This is a testimony of Art Blajos. He's been there and done that. He's telling his story about the time he was in the latin maffia on the streets and in prison. He spend 17 years in prison, including four faces the gas chamber on Death Row. He has been a mafia hit-man, a drug dealer and an addict. The breakthrough came via the ministry of former gang-leader Sonny Arguinzoni, and the love and care of the Victory outreach Team. The results was a solid conversion to Christ and a total transformation. Because to join the mafia, you kill. To leave the mafia, u die. And guess what he survived.

The movie takes an half hour so just relax and sit. So u can listen good to his story of a lifetime in the mafia. And how God changed his life.

Blood In Blood Out Art Blajos Testimony

Victory Outreach Westside MySpace Video

He also wrote a book about it. Named Blood in Blood out with Nicky Cruz. To get his book, just google Art Blajos and you'll find it.


I introduce to you, 2 brothers who loves music; Joao&Zanoah.

Joao&Zanoah started a year ago with DJ-ing on computer. They were trying to make remixes of songs they liked. It was not a serious thing but it kept them busy. So what started with one song ended in a few months with many more.

A few months later, mom and dad went for a vacation. So it was party time. A friend brought his CDJ 800mk2 and DJM 600 with him. This was the time when everything started for real. They finally could mix there songs with real DJ equipment. For a month it was party all day long and mix all kinda songs from RnB to Hiphop and from House to UK Garage. They were spinning so much that the neighbours were complaining about the noise. But they did not care, this was what makes them happy. And they were feeling it.

There friends saw them grow and liked it to. Joao&Zanoah were booked for the weekend. Not in a club but just on a few birthday parties. Friends told them to search for contacts so that they could spin in the clubs. But they where not ready for that, not yet. It was a hobby and it still was a begin.

But there uncle heard about it and recommend Joao&Zanoah to a man who organize parties in Amsterdam. In a week they get a call if they could come. That was the first booking. Afterwards it was not that kinda booking. The man was not real, small said 'a jurk'.

Now that they find out what it was to play in a club, they were searching for more. There was a cousin who was also organizing parties in Amsterdam. He asked Joao&Zanoah to come. That was a not so booking number 2. Because they were spinning for free. But they were thankfull for the opportunity. Because after that day everything was getting better. More booking, bigger parties. Sometimes for free but it did not matter.

6 months later than that they could look back and say it was all worth it. They played in Club Home Amsterdam, Marcanti Amsterdam, Jimmy Woo Amsterdam, Post Rotterdam, Club Monza Utrecht and more. And it's still going on.
Now they have there own concept with percussion and saxophone. And for every gig they got there own MC. They are also making alot of mixtapes and are busy with new tracks. Soon everybody will hear from Joao&Zanoah.

Curious fot there sound? Go see them at Club Monza Utrecht, Thursday from 01.00 till late.

One of my favorites.

When I wake up, I put this track on and just sing and dance haha.

The movie starts with a little interview, so just wait till the beat drops.

Weekend Love.

Time for myself, time for my own.

Sometimes I need to spend time on my own. Just to straight up things or to clear my mind. And the weird thing 'bout this is that when these times come it's always on a friday. So today it's friday and guess what I'm doing..


Sum peeps try to put music in boxes. This is house, this is hiphop bla bla. The way I see this is, that music is just music. I love music! Music make me happy when I'm sad. More happy when I'm allready happy! Music is life, u just need to find ur self while listning to it..

Quote of the day.

Dont let problems hunt u down. Hunt ur problems down. Never give up yall!

When parents...

I never get used to it. I love them but when they have frustrations or they don't like what i'm doing and tell me, its complicated. Most of the time I know they are right but when they tell u that it's hard to understand.

This is why we're people. We got our own will and sometimes we want to do things our own way. Realize that ur parents want the best for u and that they have enough life experience to say what is right.

Its hard but u can try, 'cause nine out of ten times u say 'damn, they were right'.

Dear mom.

Shoutout to.

I just wanne say to these people that I love them and I will always be there for them, whenever, whereever, whatever. Because ur my fam.

Mom, Dad, Joao, Salome, Chiara, Alysha, Kevin, Thang, Jordi, Merwin, Tony, Miranda, Chistobal, Isaak, Jin, Ridwan, Lin, Ryan, Chi, Yale & Remo.

Love yall

Dwele is coming to town.

10/03/2010 Dwele in concert at Maassilo Rotterdam. U can get ur ticket for only 18,- euro. So be there or be squared.

So funny.

Ofcourse many people are following the Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada. The funny thing is that tonight at Sven Kramers 10.000 meters run everybody was getting emotional about the mistake he or his coach made. All of a sudden everybody is watching the Olympics and have to say something about it on Twitter, Hyves or Facebook. I'm sure this story is gonna be the conversation of the week.

So I've heard a joke: Sven Kramer has a new sponsor named TomTom, after 6400 meters stay on the right side. :)

Indonesia here I come.

Yess yess yall.. From 27/07 till 24/08 u will find me in Indonesia. Can't wait to go. This year I'm with Remo and my lovely lil' sis Lysh'..
Guess where Joao is going. Greece, Chersonissos. I have one word: #lame

RIP Blackberry Bold.

After 1,5 year my Blackberry Bold is officially out. Time for a new one. And the winner is... the Blackberry Tour. I have to wait one week for it, so no Twitter, Hyves, Facebook or BBM for me this week.

PS. Jin if u read this, I'm sorry but he's really knock out.. WE-LOU :s sorry honey..


When sombody hurts you, they take power over you. You dont forgive them, they keeps the power. Forgive them and after you forgive them, forgive yourself.

Perfect line.

I know u don't believe in fairytales but if u did. I wanne be ur knight and shining armor. U've been trough so much and I dont wanne cu hurt anymore. Now I may not give u all that u used to. But I do know I can love u past ur pain. I dont want u to worry 'bout anything. U just have to wake up every morning and I'll take it from there.

I'm writing till I fall asleep.

When I dont know how to act or don't what to say. Than I grap a pencil, some paper and then I just wright till I fall asleep.
I'm not such a singer but I'm luvin it. Just listen.

Zanoah ft Salome & Daddy - Girl can't you see.

In need for sum thee?

Okay this in not how I usual drink my thee but this time I had no choice. Haha..

FC Bahaya

I represent to you FC Bahaya. My pride and joy when it comes to futsal. Every year we play a few futsal tournaments and most of the time we win them haha. Got love for them.
This photo is taking at ASN futsal tournament Arnhem and ofcourse we won this one.

All I can say is that i dig this songs, just listen.

The D.E.Y. - I need you

Raheem DeVaughn - I dont care

When I think about it.

It crosses my mind so many times. How will it be, what will it be if..
Sometimes I even think is this what I want or is this the right thing..
And after all that thinkin and wishing I can only say, time will tell..
So I got time, if my time is spending waiting on you..

Family and friends

U are born with family and u die with family.
A friend is just a friend, one quarrel and it ends.
They leave u and then you're alone, and it hurts you to the bone.
But a friendship is special and it's verry hard to find.
Cuz when someone really loves u, everything feels all right.
So find ur self a friend who can be a part of ur family.
Someone u can build on and who'll always got ur back.
Than u got ur self a friend u can call family.

She just can't and I understand..

It's not that it's the right place and the wrong time. It feels like it but I know God has a plan for all this. So I just go with the flow and let Him lead me trough this thing called love.

And we do it like!

Rless was onnn!

His performance was good and the vibe was dope. Location and sound was ZERO! :s

But a BIG shoutout to Ryan fuckin Leslie, cuz this man got talent. I love his music.

Can't wait for the next one. Next concert is Alicia Keys.


State aka the City

This is a place where u can find love, happiness, troubles, friends and not so friends.. I can't say I dont love to be there. 'Cause this place knows love. We are like brothers from another mother or sisters from another mister...

Where I needsta b


When u've got family problems don't run away from it. For these kinda things u need to fight for it, nomatter what. From friends u can run or hide. But when it comes to family u can't! U can take time for ur self but not to long cause problems don't run. It will hit u everytime u see them or think about them.
I don't say it's good to run from ur friends because in life u need them to. What I say is that family is what u got, friends u can choose. So choose them right. The way I see it, is that u got friends for periods in life. Some friendships will last longer then others. U need friends to have fun and talk with them when u got problems in life. They help u trough hard times in life.When it comes to family, family u need them ur whole life. Because when u ain't got friends anymore u got ur family. So treat them right and know u can lean or build on them.
But... there's always a but. But also in ur family u need to choose on u can and want to lean or build on. Not everybody is that strong enough to help u in times of trouble. So when u have troubles. Don't run away from it because I know that problems don't run away from u! Fight! And when the time is right, talk about it, share it with people u trust.

With el-ow-vi-ie