"What I am is God's gift to u, what I become is my gift to God"


When u've got family problems don't run away from it. For these kinda things u need to fight for it, nomatter what. From friends u can run or hide. But when it comes to family u can't! U can take time for ur self but not to long cause problems don't run. It will hit u everytime u see them or think about them.
I don't say it's good to run from ur friends because in life u need them to. What I say is that family is what u got, friends u can choose. So choose them right. The way I see it, is that u got friends for periods in life. Some friendships will last longer then others. U need friends to have fun and talk with them when u got problems in life. They help u trough hard times in life.When it comes to family, family u need them ur whole life. Because when u ain't got friends anymore u got ur family. So treat them right and know u can lean or build on them.
But... there's always a but. But also in ur family u need to choose on u can and want to lean or build on. Not everybody is that strong enough to help u in times of trouble. So when u have troubles. Don't run away from it because I know that problems don't run away from u! Fight! And when the time is right, talk about it, share it with people u trust.

With el-ow-vi-ie

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