"What I am is God's gift to u, what I become is my gift to God"
Damn I love u.
Do I need is a break. Maybe is this what will help me realize what I want or what I need. Cause lately I'm confused if it comes to love. I met the girl of my dreams, for real! I'm not saying this because I'm a smooth talker or hoping she might read this. Just telling u what's real and what's on my mind.Last week somebody said to me love can be like a rollercoaster. It brings u up and when ur there it brings down. At the moment it feels like a rollercoaster. And it's hard to life like that.
I think I'm ready for love but she's not and I understand. The hard part is that my patience will be tested. Can I wait, do I want this. Is it all worth to wait. Some of u think I should wait, because I said it's the girl of my dreams. But it's easier said than done.
I'll try to explane what I see in her..
When I think about her smile it makes me smile. When I know she's sad it makes me sad but when we get to that point I'm willing to do everything within my power to make her happy. When I'm with her she make me feel comfortebal. It's like everything falls down and that I only can feel the love. When I look at her, I see something in her pretty eyes. It's hard to explane but when I see that I can look all day to it. When I'm not with her I miss her like crazy. I even do when I'm with her haha. For some people it sounds weird and it looks like I'm despret. But when u know it's the one, u act and think like this.She fills my emptyness with love. She's the one who can bring me up when I'm down. I know she likes me but she need time to heal things from her past. So am I strong enough to keep this feeling together and to be there in a way for her that she feels comfortebal. I pray for it and I know God has a plan for all this. Because my love for her is growing day by day.I need to find a way to hold her and take her with me to the place where our love will be in one line. Where God can work with us, so that other people can see how love supposd to be.
Now I'm a person when I love someone I give myself 200% for our love. My father told me many times I have to dose my love for a person. Because then i'll make it easier for myself. So that's what I'm gonna try. It's not that I can love her less but maybe try to show it less only at the right moments.
So my conclusion for this situation is, go with God and he will get me trough this. I don't need a break, all I need is to clear my mind and know what's waiting for me on the other side. Don't run away from it, fight the feeling. Bless yall.
I think I'm ready for love but she's not and I understand. The hard part is that my patience will be tested. Can I wait, do I want this. Is it all worth to wait. Some of u think I should wait, because I said it's the girl of my dreams. But it's easier said than done.
I'll try to explane what I see in her..
When I think about her smile it makes me smile. When I know she's sad it makes me sad but when we get to that point I'm willing to do everything within my power to make her happy. When I'm with her she make me feel comfortebal. It's like everything falls down and that I only can feel the love. When I look at her, I see something in her pretty eyes. It's hard to explane but when I see that I can look all day to it. When I'm not with her I miss her like crazy. I even do when I'm with her haha. For some people it sounds weird and it looks like I'm despret. But when u know it's the one, u act and think like this.She fills my emptyness with love. She's the one who can bring me up when I'm down. I know she likes me but she need time to heal things from her past. So am I strong enough to keep this feeling together and to be there in a way for her that she feels comfortebal. I pray for it and I know God has a plan for all this. Because my love for her is growing day by day.I need to find a way to hold her and take her with me to the place where our love will be in one line. Where God can work with us, so that other people can see how love supposd to be.
Now I'm a person when I love someone I give myself 200% for our love. My father told me many times I have to dose my love for a person. Because then i'll make it easier for myself. So that's what I'm gonna try. It's not that I can love her less but maybe try to show it less only at the right moments.
So my conclusion for this situation is, go with God and he will get me trough this. I don't need a break, all I need is to clear my mind and know what's waiting for me on the other side. Don't run away from it, fight the feeling. Bless yall.
You need to see this.
Watch this video only if u can see it till the end. Cause in this video you'll see what music does when ppl from all over the world are comin together.
This is why music is a big part of my life. It's brings ppl together. World peace is what I long for. Love.
Stand by Me from theRedPillRadio on Vimeo.
This is why music is a big part of my life. It's brings ppl together. World peace is what I long for. Love.
My question is why.
Why is it that people try to build there lifes on bad things that happend in the past. Look forward! Let the things that can make you happy, make you happy! It's not that you've to forget what happend in the past but take it with u in a good way. Make those things usefull so that it makes you stronger. Cause then you got a right fundament for life. Don't let the past be a thing that brings you down. Sometimes you need to think about yourself and not about others around you.
Real people reconize real people!
Why is it that people try to build there lifes on bad things that happend in the past. Look forward! Let the things that can make you happy, make you happy! It's not that you've to forget what happend in the past but take it with u in a good way. Make those things usefull so that it makes you stronger. Cause then you got a right fundament for life. Don't let the past be a thing that brings you down. Sometimes you need to think about yourself and not about others around you.
Real people reconize real people!
Just sayin.
Money isn't everything. Know how to treat a lady. Show your lady how much you love her. Tell her once in a while why you love her. Take her for a diner. Make her feel special and let het know that she's your one and only. Hug her sometimes, because a lady need that so she knows that you care about her.
Not every man is a smooth talker. Your man not always want you to be his lady. Sometimes he need you to be a friend. Someone to talk or hold on. Let him know you love him and you'll always be there for him. Hug him sometimes, because a man need that so he knows that you care about him.
Not every man is a smooth talker. Your man not always want you to be his lady. Sometimes he need you to be a friend. Someone to talk or hold on. Let him know you love him and you'll always be there for him. Hug him sometimes, because a man need that so he knows that you care about him.
Bad environment, bad influence.
When you life in a environment where everything feels bad, you gonna think everything is bad. Because you get tired of all the fighting or arguments. This kinda environment brings you down and is hard to get away from it. Now I dont wanne say you need to run away from it but when you find a better or another environment to be in, go there and you'll see that everything will be better. The big differents is, you have changed your view. Now you don't stand in the center of it. But you see it from the outside. So it's time to change your view and think about yourself.
I'm a person you can talk to whenever, where ever and about whatever. But I wasn't always this way.
All the troubles and breakdowns made me that person who want to care about someone. It's not that I had an awfull youth but all the 'bad' things that happend to me made me stronger than ever. And I learned allot about life. This is the reason why I have a blog. Not to get attention or to let you think that my life is fucked up. The reason why I do this is to help others. That when they read something they can take a lesson from it or maybe even put strength out of it. This is what I want and also hope when someone is reading my blog.
I also talk about God, because without Him I wasn't here. It's also to show Him my big thanks and how greatfull I am to know Him.
Okay, that was that, back to where I started.
Now you know that I'm that kinda person. I wanne say that it's not always easy to be like that. Most of the time I take other problems with me and then those problems become my problems. Sounds stupid huh? Haha, But I dont complain about it. Because I will always be there for my family and friends. A few months back my parents notice that I had issues with certain things. So my mom ask me about it and my answer to that was, no nothing. And when someone that's so close to you ask you something like that, I say you right know, don't give that lame answer as I did. When you are a person just like me, you gotta know that you have to talk about the problems in life. Also when it's about problems of your family or friends. You don't have to tell names or details, just talk. So you can clear your heart and mind. When you do that everything would be easier, I know!
An other lesson I learned of this is that in time you NEED to think about yourself. To get loose of your own issues and problems. When you do that it would be easier to be a helping person. Accept a helping hand to be a helping hand..
All the troubles and breakdowns made me that person who want to care about someone. It's not that I had an awfull youth but all the 'bad' things that happend to me made me stronger than ever. And I learned allot about life. This is the reason why I have a blog. Not to get attention or to let you think that my life is fucked up. The reason why I do this is to help others. That when they read something they can take a lesson from it or maybe even put strength out of it. This is what I want and also hope when someone is reading my blog.
I also talk about God, because without Him I wasn't here. It's also to show Him my big thanks and how greatfull I am to know Him.
Okay, that was that, back to where I started.
Now you know that I'm that kinda person. I wanne say that it's not always easy to be like that. Most of the time I take other problems with me and then those problems become my problems. Sounds stupid huh? Haha, But I dont complain about it. Because I will always be there for my family and friends. A few months back my parents notice that I had issues with certain things. So my mom ask me about it and my answer to that was, no nothing. And when someone that's so close to you ask you something like that, I say you right know, don't give that lame answer as I did. When you are a person just like me, you gotta know that you have to talk about the problems in life. Also when it's about problems of your family or friends. You don't have to tell names or details, just talk. So you can clear your heart and mind. When you do that everything would be easier, I know!
An other lesson I learned of this is that in time you NEED to think about yourself. To get loose of your own issues and problems. When you do that it would be easier to be a helping person. Accept a helping hand to be a helping hand..
Mini Bar Amsterdam.

So last Thursday was fun with some friends at Mini Bar Amsterdam.
If u never been here, you should try this place sometimes. It's a loung bar with good classic RnB on the background. When you some inside you get your own key. This key is to open your own fridge. It's kinda funny because you don't have to order your drinks. Just grap a drink and relax. And when you leave you pay your bill.
The bad thing about this is that sometimes you're shocked of the numbers that you have to pay haha. So don't get to drunk!
Google Mini Bar Amsterdam and you'll find your way to it.
Be thankfull.
Why is it that people are always complaining about everything. I know in life sometimes we don't agree with things or that we havin a bad mood and then say that our life sucks. But what's the point of saying that. My question to that is what are you going to do about it. Do you just sit and keep complaining or do you take action and fight the problem.
I just want to say that when everybody realize that everyday is a blessing that we may stand up and can go to work or school. Then we all see that we have a better life than we think. I don't say this will stop our problems but it will make everything easier.
Everyday I thank the Lord that he gave me life and also thank Him for the people He let into my life. Be thankfull and life will be so much easier! For real!
I just want to say that when everybody realize that everyday is a blessing that we may stand up and can go to work or school. Then we all see that we have a better life than we think. I don't say this will stop our problems but it will make everything easier.
Everyday I thank the Lord that he gave me life and also thank Him for the people He let into my life. Be thankfull and life will be so much easier! For real!
It hurts.
When 2 good people u love dont get along with eachother, whatever the reason is, it hurts.
There are enough moments in life where u can find trouble. Why would u give up a friendship or a relationship with someone when u know you'll hurt eachother. Problems are there to solve! So dont hide and talk about eachother, talk TO eachother. Get along and make things right before it's to late.
And what they don't realize is that they put someone in between. And if that's me I can say it again, it's hard and it hurts. So you know.
It's all about love and care. True people reconize true people. Good people get along with good people and God is love.
L-O-V-E !
There are enough moments in life where u can find trouble. Why would u give up a friendship or a relationship with someone when u know you'll hurt eachother. Problems are there to solve! So dont hide and talk about eachother, talk TO eachother. Get along and make things right before it's to late.
And what they don't realize is that they put someone in between. And if that's me I can say it again, it's hard and it hurts. So you know.
It's all about love and care. True people reconize true people. Good people get along with good people and God is love.
L-O-V-E !
WINNE and the Flexican.
These 2 peepz are KE-RAY-ZEE! 'Cause there performance on Meet the Streets last Saterday was of the hook!
I can say this was the best party EVER! I felt like Superman, thats how high I jumped haha. Mad love for my fellow MTS-ers, Lysha, Jojo, Christobawlin, Isaak, Miertje, Lec, Maswel, Dre, Nic, Jor, Alf, Diaz, Benk, Erwoenoe, Rich, MT, Chris, Tu and last but not least THANG.
A life without Ping.
I was so stupid that I dropped my Blackberry in the noodle soup. Now you're wondering how did this happend.
I was callin with someone and had a good conversation about life. But in the meanwhile I was eating my noodle soup. My phone was stuck between my shoulder and my ear. During our conversation I was eating my noodles with 'chopsticks' (the chinees sticks). When I took a bite, my phone felt in my noodle soup.
That was 2 weeks ago. Now I orderd a new one and I'm still waitin for it. And I dislike waiting for something what I really want and need.
No ping and less twitter. And Ping is so funny and sometimes handy haha. You don't wanne see what phone I got for now..
I was callin with someone and had a good conversation about life. But in the meanwhile I was eating my noodle soup. My phone was stuck between my shoulder and my ear. During our conversation I was eating my noodles with 'chopsticks' (the chinees sticks). When I took a bite, my phone felt in my noodle soup.
That was 2 weeks ago. Now I orderd a new one and I'm still waitin for it. And I dislike waiting for something what I really want and need.
No ping and less twitter. And Ping is so funny and sometimes handy haha. You don't wanne see what phone I got for now..
Song from the heart.
Some people they call me crazy
For fallin' in love with you
They can take me and lock me away baby
Cuz there's nothing those bars can do
I'll be the rising moon after the setting sun just to let you know you'll always have someone
I'll be the clear as day when the rain is done
So you'll always know
Through the shake of an earthquakeI will never fall
That's how strong my love is
Like a shift through the storm we can risk it all
That's how strong my love is
Written by Alicia Keys
For fallin' in love with you
They can take me and lock me away baby
Cuz there's nothing those bars can do
I'll be the rising moon after the setting sun just to let you know you'll always have someone
I'll be the clear as day when the rain is done
So you'll always know
Through the shake of an earthquakeI will never fall
That's how strong my love is
Like a shift through the storm we can risk it all
That's how strong my love is
Written by Alicia Keys
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